Business Frameworks

SCAMPER Technique

By A Staff Writer | Updated 28 Aug, 2024

SCAMPER Technique

SCAMPER Technique

The SCAMPER Technique is a structured and creative approach to problem-solving and innovation that encourages thinking outside the box. Developed by Bob Eberle in the 1970s as a teaching and creativity tool, SCAMPER is an acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. This mnemonic device outlines a series of strategies that can be applied to existing products, services, or processes to generate new ideas for improvement or innovation.


What is the SCAMPER Technique?

SCAMPER is a method that helps individuals and teams enhance their creativity and problem-solving capabilities. It provides a systematic approach to examining an object, process, or idea by asking a series of questions related to each of the seven strategies represented by the SCAMPER acronym. By systematically considering these different aspects, participants can uncover new ways to improve or innovate beyond conventional thinking.


How It Works

The SCAMPER technique involves exploring a subject through seven different lenses or strategies:

  1. Substitute: What components can be replaced to improve the product?
  2. Combine: Can different aspects be combined to create something new?
  3. Adapt: How can this be adapted or readjusted to serve another purpose?
  4. Modify: What can be modified or changed in form or function?
  5. Put to another use: How can this item or process be used differently?
  6. Eliminate: What can be removed without sacrificing value?
  7. Reverse: Can the order or layout be reversed or rearranged?


Why It Is Valuable

The SCAMPER Technique offers several benefits:

  • Promotes Creativity: Encourages thinking beyond traditional boundaries by examining multiple aspects of improvement and innovation.
  • Enhances Problem-Solving: Provides a structured approach to identifying and addressing challenges within a product, service, or process.
  • Facilitates Idea Generation: Helps generate a wide range of ideas by systematically exploring various possibilities.
  • Adaptability: It can be applied to almost any context, making it a versatile tool for individuals and teams across different industries.


When and How to Use It

The SCAMPER Technique can be used in brainstorming sessions, product development meetings, strategy planning, and anywhere innovation is needed. It is particularly useful when looking to revamp existing products or services or when seeking new directions for development.

To effectively use the SCAMPER Technique:

  1. Clearly define the subject (product, service, or process) to be improved or innovated.
  2. Gather a diverse team to ensure a wide range of perspectives.
  3. Go through each SCAMPER strategy, asking relevant questions and encouraging free-flowing ideas without judgment.
  4. Document all ideas generated during the session for further analysis and development.
  5. Evaluate the ideas based on feasibility, impact, and alignment with goals to select the best ones for implementation.



While the SCAMPER Technique is widely praised for its simplicity and effectiveness in stimulating creativity, it has some limitations:

  • Dependent on Existing Ideas: It focuses on modifying what already exists, which might limit thinking to within current paradigms and potentially overlook entirely new concepts.
  • Quality of Output: The value of the ideas generated can vary significantly, requiring a robust filtering process to identify truly viable innovations.
  • Facilitation Challenges: Effective use of the SCAMPER Technique requires skilled facilitation to guide participants through the process and ensure productive outcomes.


The SCAMPER Technique is a powerful tool for fostering creativity and innovation within organizations. By systematically exploring different ways to alter existing products, services, or processes, teams can uncover unique solutions and opportunities for improvement. Despite its limitations, when used effectively, SCAMPER can significantly enhance problem-solving efforts and contribute to the development of innovative offerings that meet evolving market demands.