Women Business Leaders

Mary Barra

By A Staff Writer | Updated 14 Sep, 2024

Name: Mary Teresa Barra

Current Position: CEO of General Motors Company


  • Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from General Motors Institute (now Kettering University).
  • Masters in Business Administration from Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Career Highlights:

  • Ascending the Ranks at General Motors: Joined GM at the age of 18 and steadily rose through various engineering and administrative positions to become the CEO in 2014.
  • Historic Leadership Milestone: Became the first female CEO of a major global automaker.
  • Guiding GM through Industry Evolution: Instrumental in steering General Motors through significant technological and market changes, including the shift towards electric vehicles and sustainable practices.

Leadership Style and Philosophy:

  • Innovative and Future-Focused: Emphasizes innovation, technology, and sustainability as key drivers for the future of the automotive industry.
  • Commitment to Safety and Quality: Known for her strong focus on vehicle safety and quality, significantly improving GM’s product lineup.

Key Achievements:

  • Advancing Electric Vehicle Development: Under her leadership, GM has made significant strides in electric vehicle technology and committed to an all-electric future.
  • Strengthening Global Presence: Maintained and enhanced GM’s position as a leader in the global automotive market.
  • Championing Diversity and Inclusion: Actively promotes diversity and inclusion within GM and the broader automotive industry.


  • Navigating Market Disruptions: Faced challenges in adapting to the rapidly changing automotive industry, particularly in the areas of autonomous technology and electrification.
  • Corporate Restructuring: Oversaw difficult decisions regarding restructuring and cost-cutting to keep GM competitive.

Legacy and Impact:

  • Pioneering Female Leadership: Mary Barra’s role as CEO has broken significant barriers in the automotive industry, traditionally dominated by male leadership.
  • Influence on Automotive Innovation: Her focus on electric vehicles and technology has positioned GM at the forefront of industry innovation.

Philanthropy and Social Involvement:

  • Advocacy for STEM Education: Engages in initiatives to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, especially for women.

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Consistently ranked among the world’s most powerful women by Forbes and Fortune.
  • Received numerous awards for her leadership and contributions to the automotive industry.

Personal Interests:

  • Passionate about Cars and Technology: A lifelong car enthusiast, Barra has a deep passion for automotive engineering and innovation.

As the first female CEO of a major global automaker, Mary Barra’s tenure at General Motors is marked by groundbreaking leadership, strategic foresight, and a deep commitment to innovation and sustainability. Her leadership has not only navigated GM through a period of significant transformation but has also set new standards for the automotive industry in terms of technological advancement, diversity, and corporate responsibility.