Top KPIs for Head of R&D
1.Product Innovation Rate: The frequency of new product introductions or significant updates to existing products.
2.R&D Spend Efficiency: The impact of R&D expenditures on innovation outcomes and business growth.
3.Time to Market for New Products: The speed with which new products are developed and launched.
4.Research Pipeline Vitality: The diversity and potential of projects in the R&D pipeline.
5.Intellectual Property Portfolio Growth: The expansion of the company’s portfolio of patents, copyrights, and trademarks.
6.Collaboration with Academic and Industry Partners: The extent and effectiveness of partnerships with external entities for R&D.
7.Product Success Rate: The percentage of R&D projects that result in commercially successful products.
8.R&D Talent Retention Rate: The ability to attract and retain top talent in the R&D department.
9.Regulatory Approval Success Rate: The success rate in obtaining regulatory approvals for new products, where applicable.
10.Market Impact of R&D Initiatives: The contribution of R&D to securing a competitive position in the market.