The Ultimate Home Office Checklist

The Ultimate Home Office presents the ultimate home office checklist which includes 62 items across categories such as initial set up, equipment, telecommunications, software, security and safety, and supplies.

For most of us, a home office is an essential part of our lives. Either we bring work home or use the home office for a chance to work from home occasionally. Furthermore, many of us are either full-time entrepreneurs or part times ones aspiring to become fulltime business owners.

Regardless, a home office is a foundational need. Home offices costs can range from tens of dollars – where you use the kitchen table and an existing laptop and your cell phone – to tens of thousands of dollars – separate room and all high-end equipment.

The Ultimate Home Office Checklist: The Home Office. Your Dream Office.

The key principles of the perfect office are 1) necessity 2) affordability 3) practicality and 4) extensibility. Each of these is important as you don’t want to accumulate stuff without needing it. Unless you are rich, keeping things affordable makes the sunk costs lower. Something that is a high-end designer made but does not do the basic function may be a fashion statement, but we’d suggest you stick with the practical and the pragmatic. Extensibility is something to keep in mind as soon you may need two monitors or two telephone line or a big screen TV for the video set up.

We realize that each person’s home office requirements are different and hence’s checklists are customizable to your specific needs. Furthermore, in addition to personalizing the Ultimate Home Office Checklist, you can manage it online – save, print, share, and check off items as you complete them.

    Set up

    • Allocate a room or space for your office.
    • Create ambient lighting
    • A sturdy desk
    • A comfortable chair
    • Electrical Outlets