LinkedIn Professional Branding and Profile Optimization Checklist

LinkedIn professional branding and profile optimization checklist are simply what it says – a set of tasks and activities to help you boost your reputation and build eminence on the most popular professional networking sites.

While it is easy to open an account and create a profile and connect to people, the challenge is elevating your profile to stand out and stand in for you in the virtual world.

Do you create a resume equivalent and leave it there in the LinkedIn ether or do you develop a professional brand identity that fits your dreams? Of course, most of us would say yes that we want to be a LinkedIn Rockstar. However, it takes time and effort to professional brand amidst all the others who are jostling for position.

Building a brand on LinkedIn requires focus and ongoing maintenance. It is not a one and done brand image.

The Linkedin Professional Branding and Profile Optimization Checklist is a helpful list of task and activities which are essential to brand building success.

Of course, the intensity of the effort and the number of tasks will vary based on your profession, industry, job level, geography, and other considerations.

After purchase, you can customize the list to your LinkedIn branding needs.

Please also check out our other checklists, particularly the Personal Branding Checklist.

LinkedIn Professional Branding and Profile Optimization Checklist

    Basic Steps:

    • Set up a Linkedin Account
    • Create a unique URL
    • Upgrade to a professional account if necessary and if you can afford it
    • Upload your contact list and start connecting with your classmates, work colleagues, and other business contacts
    • Link to your other social media for cross posting